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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Stranger than fiction

Posts: 22
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 13 2006,13:55   

I don't know if others have gone through the same phases that I have with respect to Dembski's club.  First, I was appalled at their combination of ignorance and arrogance.  Then I was frustrated at their inability to understand the points I made.  Then it dawned on me that I was laboring under the false assumption that they actually care about the accuracy of their beliefs.  They don't.

ID, like other pseudosciences, is not a vehicle for arriving at the truth, but rather a shortcut to self-importance.  Making a name for himself in an established field would have been almost impossible for someone like Dembski, who would have been outshined by others more brilliant than he.  So instead he publishes to a crowd who lauds him as a genius for his degrees and his ability to spin pseudotechnical claptrap.  (For fun, compare the number of Google hits for William Dembski to, say, Ray Solomonoff.)

Our friend Dave is an even sadder case.  Anyone who thinks that Dave can be dissuaded by criticism doesn't understand him.  He's desperate for attention of any kind, and has no qualms about alienating his readers since the internet will always provide him with more.  Unable to achieve recognition any other way, Dave settles for infamy as an immature, dull-witted jerk.

I, for one, am no longer going to provide Dave with the acknowledgment that he craves.  I had another article ready to post on my UD parody (about the Inflammatory Filter, which gives no false positives), but instead I'm going to spend some time reading.  Then I'm going to read to my daughter, who loves to learn.

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