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  Topic: the post ID world< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 486
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 12 2006,13:08   

Ok, here we go again.


What does post-ID mean?  Has there ever been such a period?  

You say,

If you want to talk about how incredibly scientific your parents' religion is, why don't you start a thread for that instead of hijacking mine?

I can't do anything but laugh at such an empirically paultry assumption.  My parents didn't espouse ANY religion.  They were too busy running their business and raising 6 boys.  That's a lot of ball games and homework, you know!

Arden opines,

Do you draw any distinction between interpreting real or imaginary 'emperical evidence'?

Please do define "imaginary 'empirical evidence?'"  You may call the interpretation fallacious, but that's a mighty bold claim.

And for someone that apparently has no "faith," you sure seem awfully knowledgeable about how it's acquired?  Have you done a scientific study as to how the information contained within this universe has led billions to interpret a creator?  If that information within the universe contains NO evidence of an IDer then how was the intepretation made?  Delusion?  Even that's an interpretation.


You've already conceded that you "don't know" how "faith" is acquired.  Put your scientific mind to work and come back with a better answer.  You can make the bold claim similar to Arden that it's a mass delusion that has spanned the history of man.  I'm not that confident.


So you are arguing about a term that you can't define?  The topic is "faith" in an IDer.  How that "faith" is acquired is the question?  Do you have an answer?

  367 replies since Mar. 04 2006,09:06 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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