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  Topic: Libations and Comestibles< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3326
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 19 2007,12:04   

Quote (Louis @ Oct. 19 2007,11:53)
Quote (carlsonjok @ Oct. 19 2007,17:34)
Interestingly, the US version of Mackeson's has a a higher alcohol content than the British version, 5.0% versus 3.75%.  Just further proof that you Brits are bunch of royalist pansies.

I remember when I got to the USA 13 years and 2 months ago to live there for a while as an undergraduate I decided to use my recently faked ID to get me some beers.

Over Main Street to Tops Friendly Markets I went and promptly bought myself (and the roommates who would be arriving soon) three cases of beer. I bought Labatts Blue, Budweiser and one of the "new" ice beers (they were "new" in 1994 I was assured by the clerk).

Tops Friendly Market?  Labatt's Blue?  Good God, man, you were in Upstate New York?  

Surely, you must have had Genesee Cream Ale.  There is nothing, I say nothing, like the Creamer Screamers the next morning!  All the effectiveness of Phillips Milk of Magnesia with the added bonus of a pounding headache

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