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  Topic: UnReasonable Kansans thread, AKA "For the kids"< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Fat Man

Posts: 15
Joined: Oct. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2007,07:31   

Quote (Albatrossity2 @ Oct. 08 2007,06:10)
This is slightly OT, but it does have some relevance to the name of this thread.

On my way back from San Francisco yesterday I had an interesting conversation with a fellow Kansan, the fellow sitting next to me for the Denver-to-KC leg of the flight. We exchanged the usual pleasantries; he was just coming back from a week of fly-fishing in Montana, he was a retired businessman, and an alumnus of the institution where I work (Kansas State University). I found out that his former business was a direct-mail operation, and that he lived in Johnson County (fairly wealthy Kansas City suburbs).

I have lived in Kansas long enough to understand that this combination of parameters probably meant that we should avoid talking about politics or religion. So we started talking about our kids and grandkids. He observed that he was concerned about what kind of world our kids and grandkids would face. I agreed that there was cause for concern, particularly since the effects of global climate change (which he had brought up earlier in the context of fly-fishing) were potentially dire. He said "Well, not only that, but I was really talking about the political situation".

Okay. Before I could say a word, he said. "I don't know what your politics are, but this gang we have in there now, they have really made a mess of things." Naturally, I agreed. But then he continued. "And I am really worried about those religious fundamentalists. I just finished a great book, maybe you've heard of it. It's by a guy named Hitchens, called "God is Not Great". He's a really bright guy, very literate. I could have used a dictionary while I was reading some of it!  But boy, is he right on about that stuff.   Great book if you haven't read it!"

So I thought I should let you know that there are indeed some reasonable Kansans out here. They can read, and understand, and even recommend a book on atheism to a stranger on an airplane.

You know, the more I think about it, you anecdotal story is just a little to pat?

Did you, er, ahem, adjust it a little?

If so, why don't you add the part where the guy talked about left it out.

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