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  Topic: The Magic of Intelligent Design, A repost from Telic Thoughts< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Reciprocating Bill

Posts: 4265
Joined: Oct. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 30 2007,09:20   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Sep. 29 2007,13:12)
Quote (Thought Provoker @ Sep. 29 2007,12:19)
Hopefully, you will understand how I might view this as an unnecessary contrivance if, in fact, life's awareness (consciousness) can be traced to quantum effects that are interconnected over time.

Successfully merging General Relativity with quantum physics would mean the interconnectedness spans light years (which also means it spans years).  A 500ms span is nothing by comparison.

By example, this does raise an issue you would want to address as you pursue these quantized speculations.

The notions I referred to in my above post are not contrivances: there is a great deal of research that puts meat on those bones, research that continues to elaborate our understanding of, among other things, the role of unconscious visual guidance of motor actions and the basis of motor actions in an entirely unconscious vocabulary of subcortical motor plans. This emerging neurocognitive model of visual-motor processing, and its relationship to more frontal, executive and representational (and hence conscious) processing is being developed apace, without resort to specifically quantum notions.

The point is that that quantum models such as yours are competing in a theoretical and experimental space that is already harvesting considerable gains. Your model would need to offer added value in the form of useful empirical predictions that successfully guide neurobiological research, predictions that can't be purchased within more conventional levels of modeling. Absent that guidance it is your model that is an unnecessary contrivance vis real empirical research, and needs to demonstrate real value where the rubber meets the road before being regarded as a serious contender.  

There are analogous difficulties for this stuff vis evolutionary biology, which isn't looking for, and isn't feeling in need of, a revolutionary new causal framework in order to grasp precambrian evolutionary events - sniping from outside biology notwithstanding.

[edit]: Can you point me to other instances of the 'fastball' being used in this way? I'd like to see them.

ThoPro - Before you go, I'd appreciate your thoughts on the quoted post, above.  Including my request vis the fastball.



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