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  Topic: The Magic of Intelligent Design, A repost from Telic Thoughts< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Thought Provoker

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Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 26 2007,10:15   

Hi qetzal,

You asked...
If I eat that banana in my office tomorrow, my future hunger will have been satisfied by my past purchase of a banana. Would MikeGene consider that front loading?

My version of this is someone grabbing an umbrella when leaving in the morning because it might rain later in the day.

I think it is an example of retrocausality.  We have had discussions about this on Telic Thoughts.

I don't want to suggest what MikeGene thinks.  Personally, I think it goes straight to the point.  I think it is an example of life engaging in Front Loading.  It is such a trivial example that it is dismissed.

That was the general topic of the opening post.  Some things are so common that we take them for granted.

How are conscious decisions made?

Libet's experiments shows 500ms of electrical brain activity occurring prior to a conscious decision being made.  This has had a profound impact on the study of consciousness.  It has gotten to the point that a significant portion of the community is suggesting that the idea of conscious control is an illusion.  At best, we might sometimes get to veto our body's automatic responses.

But I digress.

I have suggested to MikeGene that the Front Loaded property of life he is looking for is that life's actions are directly coupled to interconnected quantum effects.

DNA evolved into a quantum computer, this makes for a significant link between the evolution of life and the interconnected quantum effects.

If it is established that microtubules are also quantum computers, consciousness becomes an artifact of interconnected quantum effects.

Whether or not it is microtubules, it is very likely that consciousness is directly interconnected with quantum effects because of observations like GHZ states.

  268 replies since Sep. 25 2007,09:43 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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