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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
George Cauldron


(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 13 2007,06:25   

<quote> Why should you look to me to explain anything son of bonehead? </quote>

That's the only intelligent question you've asked.

But you can at least explain why you went off your meds when your parents went to so much trouble to get them for you.

<quote>I really am sick of the ASSERTION that macro-evolutionary “studies” have contributed significantly to advances in science</quote>

Neal, if there's any lesson you should be taking away from this, it's that for very good reasons, no one in the world cares the tiniest bit what you think. Better get used to it.

  19967 replies since Jan. 17 2006,08:38 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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