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  Topic: "Truth" in Science UK, Grr< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 316
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 11 2007,13:12   

Quote (Peter Henderson @ Sep. 10 2007,17:08)
But then again, maybe the situation is the same as that in the Southern  Baptist states. This type of mindset has probably always been there. The YECs are merely tapping into it.

I'm originally from Tennessee, and from what you describe, it sound similar to the Southern Baptist situation.  What seemed most prevalent there is a few ringleader types selling the "evolution is atheism, evolution is evil" line to those who don't know any better.  They accept the lines fed by their leaders without questioning much.  

Or maybe susceptibility to creationism has a genetic component?  They say that a lot of the white settlers in east Tennessee and the Appalachians were from Ulster.  Can I get a grant to study the possibility of an "I ain't no monkey" gene, do you reckon?

  21 replies since Sep. 08 2007,04:48 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


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