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  Topic: "Truth" in Science UK, Grr< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 316
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 10 2007,08:01   

Quote (Peter Henderson @ Sep. 08 2007,16:05)
I am ashamed to say that Northern Ireland is an absolute hotbed of young Earth creationism. It's probably worse here than in the US. Every evangelical denomination (and I do mean all of them......the Brethren movement, Baptist, Elim, Congregational, Congregational Reformed, Free Presbyterian, Reformed Presbyterian, Evangelical Presbyterian, Free Methodist, Independant Methodist etc. etc. etc.) is heavily promoting YECism. It's even found it's way into the largest Protestant denomination in the province, the Presbyterian church in Ireland.

That's very worrying.  It still doesn't seem to have made much progress south of the border.  But with the increase in evangelicals here due to the big increases in immigration and with the decline of the Catholic church, there might be soon.

Has it become political yet, do you know?  Have the DUP (Ian Paisley's Democratic Unionist Party, for those who don't read Irish alphabet soup) shown any interest in promoting creationism?

  21 replies since Sep. 08 2007,04:48 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


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