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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1948
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 05 2007,03:51   

Quote (Bob O'H @ Sep. 05 2007,11:32)
I suspect New Bill might know who Shannon was. ?Or if he doesn't, it's because Shannon did applied stuff that isn't interesting.

New Bill looks like a perfectly respectable mathematician (and it's not often you see those words next to each other: only 168 hits on Google). ?He'll be worth watching with interest: is he honest but mis-guided? ?Or more Dembski-like in his character?

Actually, the same questions could be asked about Marks too.


Marks is definitely dodgy.
Hiring a lawyer to get up a hobby horse web page on company time and money that promotes pseudo science no better than astrology has all the hall marks of crackpot written all over it.

He can claim the old strange bedfellow Post Modern Feminist stance of being Academia's Old Guard Victim while being a right wing authoritarian zealot AND any idea is valid even if, or just because, it's not company policy.

Plus being a 'colleague' of broom closet denizen WMad who has to be egging him on.

Bill who? Might be in for the ride of his life.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane

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