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  Topic: Avocationist, taking some advice...seperate thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Aug. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 28 2006,01:54   

Quote (avocationist @ Feb. 27 2006,18:54)
You know I worked a lot this weekend and it is hard to keep up. Puck, you ask if I could tell something is designed if I was unfamiliar with it. We are familiar with what sorts of things we design, so even when we dredge up some unexpected artifact from the sea, we realize an ancient civilizaiton was repsonsible. But I think even on a strange planet we would be able to recognize the hallmarks of design.

Aren't there places in the world where shorelines have been altered and "designed" in order to protect natural habitats as well as human habitats?  Do you think that you or Dembski could walk along those shorelines and tell us what parts were designed, or pick out the "hallmarks of design" in those shorelines?  Without using the map of course....
Buying into the arguments for design does not mean one has an a priori assumption of God. Some people simply see a problem with the whole NDE ball of wax, or perhaps they just have too much personal incredulity, but the God part doesn't come first, and they may remain agnostic.

Contrary to what you said, how could one accept design and not accept god?  If one believes in cosmological ID, then it is utterly impossible, because a natural entity would not have the ability to "fine-tune" physics.  Even in biological ID, it is all but impossible.  How did some natural thing (alien, time traveller, etc.) create the flagellum, or anything else without having god-like powers?  How does this happen without any of us noticing?
I never said science should search for God. I said that science should acknowledge that there is the possibility that God exists, and if so, it changes all equations.

God may exist.  Happy now?  Of course, let's say that we all acknowledge that god may exist.  Does this mean that objects no longer fall at 9.8m/s^2?

The fact is that equations are what they are.  We have no way of knowing whether god exists or not.  If god does exist, then why would our equations change?  That just doesn't make sense.

  390 replies since Feb. 07 2006,05:23 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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