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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 114
Joined: Jan. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 23 2007,10:55   

I was just reading an the article in National Geographic when I came across this passage about education in Pakistan:
An MIT -trained professor of nuclear physics at Quaid-i-Azam University in Islamabad, he was speaking to a graduate-level class in physics a few days after the huge disaster that devastated Kashmir in 2005, describing the geophysical forces that produced the disaster. "When I finished, hands shot up all over the room," he recalls. "'Professor, you are wrong," my students said. "That earthquake was the wrath of God.'"

Ahh yes! Gotta love that fundie education! Having recently finished the Republican War on Science I have no doubt that it wouldn't be hard to create a country of morons very quickly. GW, and his cronies, are frightening.

My theory is that all the policies put into place since GW took office are there to privatize education. In the state of Washington, where I am a science teacher, the Evergreen Freedom Foundation recieves a lot of funding from the Walmart family to destroy our unions and privatize public education. Why? Hmmm. . . . Follow the money . . . most of a states budget is spent on education money not going to line the pockets of the Walmart family. What do they want? They want a crack at all that money. The No Child Left Behind Act ensures that all schools will be labeled as failing by the year 2011. This will create the illusion that schools suck and need to be privatized. Once privatized Walmart will open schools using their business model and rake in the cash while giving our children a crappy education.

Soon Dembski's dumbass quizzes will be standard test prompts. Soon teh correct answer will be Goddunit.

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