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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 20 2007,22:00   

scordova is a tard


Jack Krebs argues:
Sal is not banned at KCFS. Any further discussion about this should take place there, not here, as it really doesn?t pertain to this site at all.

Yeah right, Jack, where I can?t plead my case before your over there where you act as Judge and Jury. I can plead my case here however, and since you?re here, it is an opportune time to mention it.
Any way, feel at home here at UD Jack, I have no intenetion of suppressing what you have to say.
I?m merely pointing out that I have extended much more courtesy to you than you have to me at KCFS, where people have the freedom to ignore threads that I start there (unlike a blog, where they have less choice about what they read).
I?ve asked UD commenters to treat you with respect like an opponent visiting under flag of truce. I?m complaining you hadn?t gone the extra mile on my behalf over at KCFS where it seemed you?d tolerate any level of vulgarity directed toward me.
Your toleration of vulgarity and accusations of lying didn?t bother me as much as the fact you would tolerate that and yet stop a limited number of discussions on scientific topics that I started and which I took care to stay on scientific grounds.
I posted material on Lewontin which you shut down, yet you regularly allow bandwith for insults and ad homs to be directed at me. I can take the trash talking, but I find it a bit inequitable that discussion of things like Lewontin?s Santa Fe 2003 paper get quickly labeled as spam, yet stuff on your board that should clearly count as frivolous is permitted.

It's not ad hom to call Salvador a liar, because he is, demonstrably, a liar.

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