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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 927
Joined: April 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 13 2007,16:17   

Quote (heddle @ Aug. 13 2007,16:05)
As for C.S. (an unfortunate combination of consonants, I think), he was never really atheist, he [HAHAH, David Heddle, my friend, sorry if you're reading this, but zingo!] described himself as "very angry with God for not existing". And that's what's gotten into little Shaner here. No C.S. Lewis dolls, no siree.

I’m missing the boat, I guess. Because I think you are referring to my concurring with Douglas Wilson, in his debate with Christopher Hitchens (a strange pairing for a debate), in which Wilson made the point that atheists deny God exists and they hate him. That’s rather consistent with what the C.S. Lewis Wikipedia article states (the accuracy of which, I certainly can’t defend)
Though an atheist at the time, Lewis later described his young self (in Surprised by Joy) as being paradoxically "very angry with God for not existing".

I think you might be arguing, correct me if I am wrong, that since he was angry with God he therefore was not an atheist. But I would say that all atheists have strong emotions (call it hatred) toward God.

Why would you say that?

Personally, I don't hate god. Why would I? I don't hate Zeus, or Ra, or Mars (not the planet) I just don't think they exist.

Are you mad at Santa?

I'm not the fastest or the baddest or the fatest.

You NEVER seem to address the fact that the grand majority of people supporting Darwinism in these on line forums and blogs are atheists. That doesn't seem to bother you guys in the least. - FtK

Roddenberry is my God.

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