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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 12 2007,21:21   

We all puzzle over the idiot vs liar question. Here's MCC on it:

Any mathematician would easily understand that the breadth of the theorem completely invalidates his claims about evolution? Therefore, he's not just really bad at math, he's lying and intentionally fooling people without some sort of mathematical education. I know that's nothing new, just thought it needed to be pointed out again.

Good article, Mark.

Posted by: Steve P. | August 12, 2007 04:39 PM


I tend to go back and forth between whether Dembski is a liar, or a raging incompetent. I look at the NFL stuff, and wonder how someone who could write that could be so clueless that they would not know that the anti-ev argument was nonsense.

But then I look at some of the other stuff he's written - like his specified complexity stuff - and it's so dumb, with such egregious and pointless errors that do nothing to support his arguments - and I'm forced to question his competence. I know he's dishonest enough to lie when it helps his argument. But when his errors do nothing to help his argument, but they make him look stupid, then I'm forced to think maybe he's stupid. In which case, I want to know who wrote the math in NFL?

Posted by: Mark C. Chu-Carroll | August 12, 2007 05:31 PM

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