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  Topic: Avocationist, taking some advice...seperate thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1001
Joined: Aug. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 22 2006,02:28   

Quote (avocationist @ Feb. 16 2006,18:25)
Perhaps you ought to start looking for it. I am going to try to some extent, but I can't bring everybody up to speed.

Ha ha ha, if you can present evidence FOR ID, then you would be the first.  I'll be willing to put your name in for any science award you want if you can present any actual evidence for ID.
Oh my, your objectivity is showing.

And your subjectivity is showing.  When Dembski makes statements about how science must be consonant with Christ, then he has left the boundaries of science.
Paleontoogy is not considered Darwinism's strong suit, the field of geology would exist no matter what set of facts it turned up, and medicine is debatable.

Except that paleontology and geology both independently verify evolution.  So, by denying evolution, you are saying that the independent verification of those sciences are also in error.
It [evidence for evolution] looks like projection to me...

Only because you have a priori commitments to your god.
Oh, it was kindly meant. I wasnt singling them out in particular. It is human nature. There are two motives. One is ego: the desire to be right. And the second is what I mentioned above, the desire to quell the inner void, to convince oneself that one knows anything at all.

Which is why evidence is required.  The fact that you and your side can produce none vs. the fact that evolution has over a hundred years of accumulated evidence and peer-reviewed journal articles is a telling point here.  Do you think that one person's ego (or even a group of people) is what makes our genetic makeup so similar to that of apes?

  390 replies since Feb. 07 2006,05:23 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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