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  Topic: Discussing "Explore Evolution", Have at it.< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 04 2007,21:16   


"These scientists accept that plants and animals of the Galapagos were transported or migrated to the islands and then adapted in some ways to their new environment. They point out, however, that migration and adaptation does not equal macroevolutionary change."
CB902 "Microevolution is distinct from macroevolution"

"If Universal Common Descent is true, it must have a mechanism that can produce macroevolutionary change -- that can transform one type of animal into a fundamentally different type of animal. Yet critics note that the examples of mockingbirds in the Galapagos and fruit flies in the Hawaiian Islands show only small-scale variations in existing traits."
CB901 "Macroevolution has never been observed", CB901.1 "Range of variation is limited within kinds", CB901.3 "Darwin's finches show only microevolution", CB110 "Microevolution selects only existing variation"

"Further, some geneticists think that these changes have occurred because the populations of these birds and fruit flies became isolated, and lost genetic information over time."
CB932 "Some modern species are apparently degenerate, not higher forms"

"Large-scale macroevolutionary change requires the addition of new genetic information, not the loss of genetic information."
CB102 "Mutations do not add new genetic information"

"For their part, dissenters will continue to point out that the evidence is completely consistent with other views of the history of life, in which small-scale changes in form and features do occur within separate but disconnected groups of organisms."
CB901.1 "Range of variation is limited within kinds", CB902.1 "There are barriers to large changes".

(Note too that the "other views", of small changes within separate kinds, consist of creationism and intelligent design -- which the authors are too dishonest to point out.)

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

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