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"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 26 2007,19:05   

Quote (guthrie @ July 26 2007,09:28)
The fact that Lenin also spent a fair bit of time exterminating Marxists, anarchists and anyone else who disagreed with him also tends to pass people by.

Indeed, the primary victims of Lenin/Stalin/Mao/Castro/Ho's repression, were other leftists.  Just within the early Soviet Union, there were council communists, Workers Oppositionists, the Makhnovschina, and the Kronstadt Rebellion -- all of which were shot by the Leninists.

If you're up for a critique of Leninism, and a sketch of the non-Leninist Marxist alternative, I point you to:

It's written specifically for Leftists (indeed, it's aimed mostly at disaffected Leninists), so you probably won't be familiar with some of what it discusses, but it should still be clear enough to get the basic idea.

Most Americans, of course, don't even know that there ever WAS any such thing as a non-Leninist Marxism . . .

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

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