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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 5455
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 07 2007,13:31   

Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ July 06 2007,17:22)
Quote (khan @ July 06 2007,09:40)
Quote (Paul Flocken @ July 05 2007,20:56)

Perhaps Lenny is mixing up his presidential daughters.  I still want to see a citation.

You're right, I conflated the two.

As did I.

Alas, though, Paul, I don't BS.  I don't have the need to.  (shrug)

As for a citation, alas, I don't recall any photographer giving me any documentation of the event.  And I doubt Amy remembers me (though I think I did try to hit on her -- and yes, I tried to hit on Morgan Fairchild too.  Hey, ya never know, right?).  

But, speaking of photos, there are three different press photographs of me that I now wish I had, all from 15-20 years ago.  The first was, IIRC, when I got arrested at Wall Street -- I had let the local newspapers know beforehand and got a write up on the Sunday edition, front page, above the fold, with a photo of me wearing a t-shirt that said "We don't need a war on poverty -- we need a war on the rich!" (I also had another Sunday-above-the-fold photo for a piece that the newspaper did about the collapse of the USSR, by interviewing all the local lefties that they could find, including me -- my view was "good riddance" -- so that particular photo may have run with this piece instead of the Wall Street one, I don't remember anymore.)

The second was during a "Tax Day" rally (marking the day of the year when the average American finally paid his share of Federal income taxes) -- a photo appeared of me holding a sign that read "Tax the rich pigs !!!".  

And the third was shortly after the First Gulf War began, at a rally in front of then-Congressman Don Ritter's office (a regular thing for me since Don and I were on a first-name basis -- ask me sometime about the night he lost re-election . . . ).  Some ex-Marine VFW guy showed up and was heckling us with things like "go back to Russia" and "you should all be shot for treason".  So I went over to talk with him, and the press, hoping for a confrontation, followed en masse.  So after a little chat with the guy, I reached out with both arms ---- the photographers went nuts, snapping away crazily hoping to catch me in the very act of strangling the guy ----- but alas all I did was hug him.  Then I said to him, "Dude, I don't want to fight with you."  "Well," he spluttered, "I don't want to fight with *you* either."  Of course, the photo that appeared in the paper the next morning (and the caption) made it look as though I tried to kill the guy.  And IIRC, that photo probably helped me lose my job at the Bethlehem Steel mailroom, since a few days after it appeared, I went to work wearing a T-shirt that said " 'Iraq' is Arabic for 'Vietnam' ", and was fired the next day.

I think any of those three photos would look wonderful hanging on my wall, as a reminder of the carefree days of my activist youth.  Alas, after 20 years, I doubt I could still get any of them (and I no longer remember the dates they ran, or even which of the two local newspapers they ran in).

But if anyone wants to go to the newspaper morgue at the Easton (PA) Express-Times and the Allentown Call-Chronicle and do a search for my name, there's, uh, lots there.   :)

I do a bit of family genealogical research online, so I had already started checking before I got to this comment, and though your name has some hits, I have to remember which library online had a free backdoor into the site.  Seems like it may have been the one I access for Oswego County, NY, but I'm not sure and can't find the link I'm looking for.

Unfortunately, neither of the two papers you've mentioned is archived there yet, but they're adding papers all the time.  I've come up with some good stuff over the past several years there.

The Intelligencer (out of D-Town) is pretty well digitized at this point, if you've created any anarchy down that way.

Date ranges are helpful (I know you said you don't really remember when), as the search file is generated by OCR, which isn't always very good at old newspapers.  Some serious butchery goes on, so sometimes you have to page through the paper manually and just read the whole damned thing.

Gossip columns from the turn of the century are quite entertaining, as an aside.

ETA - Turn of the previous century, I mean, as in around 1900.

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Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

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