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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 22 2007,19:12   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ June 22 2007,18:09)
Howabout you engage in self-referential coitus.

Oh crap that gave me the chuckles.

I happened to bump into a link to a link that landed me at the PD earlier today.

I had totally missed this at the time, I think

At Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:24:00 PM, Anonymous said...

Denyse- if you can keep this private, or delete it when you read it...I just wanted to share this with you, but I don't see an EMail address.

I see "janiebelle" a lesbian with "no sexual preference" who lives with someone she calls "Corporal Kate" is attacking you and saying you're a prude. I guess everyone is a prude to a bisexual lesbian with no sexual preference who doesn't realize Lilith first showed up in medieval Jewish literature, long after the OT and NT were written, compiled, etc.

I talked to Dr. Dembski, but it seems he has no interest in reigning in DaveScot. Actually, his reply to me was rather rude "take it up with him yourself" was all he said when I pleaded with him to reign in Dave as the moderator...if you're going to attack O'Leary, I told him, then you might as well shut your blog down.

Dembski doesn't seem to understand that HIS name, HIS face, HIS rep. is associated with the blog. I'm honestly starting to lose all respect for the man. If the guy Bill chooses to run his blog cannot get along with ANYBODY (not even you!), then ID itself will never get anywhere.

my email is <redacting is an ethical thing to do, despite the stupidity of the poster who posted it>

I read this blog as much as I can. Agree with nearly all of it. Thanks a lot.

Ahh, the stroll down memory lane.  That was about 36 hours before JanieBelle got the boot.

(It'll be a year next week since the evil plot hatched on page 19 of the BW.)

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Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

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