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  Topic: WingNutDaily:  Huckabee was right< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Jason Spaceman

Posts: 163
Joined: Nov. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 12 2007,02:41   

Posted: June 12, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

Gov. Mike Huckabee was right: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." So was Sam Brownback, Tom Tancredo and Duncan Hunter who also had the courage to raise their hands for creation in the presidential debates.

And now a new USA Today/Gallup Poll has found two-thirds of Americans agree. And those who believe creationism is "definitely true" more than double those who believe strongly in evolution.

The condescending sarcasm with which the questions were asked is surpassed only by the arrogant reactions to the answers. Democratic pollster Mark Mellman said the hand raisers look like a "front" for the "Flat Earth Society." Let's get our facts straight. When the "scientific" community proclaimed the earth to be flat, it was the Bible (Isaiah 40:22) that said otherwise: "It is He who sits above the circle of the earth. …"

We saw this same kind of caricature when the $27 million Creation Museum opened near Cincinnati, Ohio, a few weeks ago. While the evolutionists have the textbooks, the government schools and the "history" museums that tout their theory as fact, they're panicked because one museum says otherwise.

The loudest criticism came from those who complained that the (cool animatronic) dinosaurs are displayed as coexisting with humans. They were supposed to be dead for millions of years before humans existed. If that's true, then who drew all those cave drawings that look like dinosaurs? And why does nearly every culture on earth have artifacts and stories about them? They're even described in the Bible (Job 40:15-23) – beings with "ribs like bars of iron" and a "tail like a cedar" – coexisting with humans. But, of course, we can't believe that book. We'd rather get our "facts" from a racist guy named Darwin who wrote "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection; Or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" – the real title of his famous book.

And what of that Tyrannosaurus Rex found in Montana that contained soft tissue and blood vessels? Can blood vessels really last 65 million years? That's a question they never asked in the debates.

And their theory that life came from non-living organisms has just one problem: Life doesn't come from non-living organisms.

Just because the evolutionists are arrogant doesn't mean they're right.

Read it here.

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