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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: April 15 2007,01:02   

Quote (Kristine @ April 15 2007,01:48)
Oh you "disagree" with angry Catholic mom's methods, do you WinglesS?      



11:54 pm
You shouldn’t force people to believe in God any more than you should force them to believe in evolution. Granted, some beliefs might be more irrational than others, but perhaps a person’s point of view can be changed with prayer, reason and example. If everything else fails though, I still hold that what a person chooses to believe in is his right and choice.
Remember that true belief is a decision of the heart, and going to church doesn’t make one a Christian any more than entering a plane makes one a pilot.

While I understand the mother’s concern for her son, I disagree with her methods.

What compassion! Why do I find that hilarious?  



11:51 am
I don’t think atheists are inclined to give away their money away. There is no reason to. It takes a more than just a good mood to get people in general to give away 10% of their income.

Then later, after I said I was leaving (you're a courageous one, WinglesS):
For a single person to give money away without grounds [emphasis mine] is also not hard to find. Or for a person to give money away on a whim isn’t hard to find either. For the populace in general to give money away consistently is another. I didn’t say that altruism is impossible for an atheist. It’s not impossible, but it’s impossible to justify consistently.

Geez, it's a good thing you don't believe in "forcing anyone to believe in anything" after telling me that I need to believe in something other than the somethings I already believe in (that you apparently don't) in order to give my $$$ away.

Yeah, come over to my blog anytime (preferably after finals this Wed.) and explain that to me WinglesS. Then tell me how Buddhists, who don't have a deity at all, can't give their money away either. Tell me about Taoists. I'm waiting for your superior charitable wisdom.

If you see a little girl about to step off the curb, and a bus is coming, do you sit around thinking up a justification of why you should yank her back onto the curb? No. You just yank her back onto the curb.

Demanding that atheists justify their ethics, when the evidence is that they're as ethical as anybody else, always struck me as stupid thinking. A while ago, scientists didn't know how bumblebees flew. The proper response wasn't to interrogate bumblebees and demand they can prove they can fly. They can. The proper response was to realize your notions of aerodynamics are inadequate.

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