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  Topic: The kentucky Creationist Museum< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2780
Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 13 2007,09:48   

Quote (Ftk @ April 13 2007,09:17)
That would not include premarital sex between unmarried folks.

I never said it did.  I said I haven't found any verses giving specific instructions about premaritial sex.  Why do you always mess with my words?

Actually, that is why I take my time responding to you on my blog.  I have to read through my response several times before posting to be sure I'm articulate enough for you to get the message and not read something else into it.

It's easy to post here because I have no intention of putting much thought into anything. It's not worth the time, because regardless of what I say, it's going to get twisted anyway.  LOL. :p

Wow, that was quick ;)

Re your lack of biblical support for admonitions against premarital sex, you're right. I'm wrong. I did not acknowledge the fact that you never said anything about such verses. Mea culpa; I'll make an effort to read more closely in the future.

But in regard to my current wait for your reply to my last substantive comment on your blog, I'm pretty sure I could read and comprehend "agree" or "disagree". I don't think I would "twist" those words.

And I also note that you did not confirm or deny my supposition that you seek outside help from creationist sources before replying to science/biology-oriented comments on your blog. That makes me even more certain that I am right about that.

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers

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