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  Topic: How is the Bible consistent with science?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Chris Hyland

Posts: 705
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 19 2006,05:07   

Here's a conversation I've had too many times:

Religious Person: Why don't you follow the bible?

Me: Because its self contradictory and innacurate, the creation and noahs flood are not only scientifically innacurate, but are just rip-offs of older stories. Plus theres a lot of weird stuff in there about how you shouldnt eat shellfish and how you can sell your daughter into slavery.

Religious Person: Yes but all thats in the old testament you dont have to follow that literally.

Me: Thats good then, because the ten commandments are in the old testament and i rather fancied going on a killing spree this afternoon, followed by a spot of coveting this evening.

RP: Well, obviously you have to follow those but you need to study the bible and undertsand which bits are literally true and which arent.

Me: Fair enough, please may I borrow your copy of the official church guide to which bits of the bible are true and which arent.

RP: There isnt one.

Me: Well if all morality comes from the bible, and you have to decide yourself which bits are true and which bits arent, how come there arent still people selling their daughters into slavery and stoning each other to death. Is it in fact because morality is based mainly on human history and experience.

RP: I guess so.

And the moral of this story is: The bible is completely consistent with science if you ignore the bits which didn't happen.

  165 replies since Jan. 04 2006,06:03 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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