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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 19 2007,18:29   

I know this is the UD thread (lately beer!) but meanwhile, over at OW :)
Patrick Says:  
Due to the ever-increasing number of trolls we've implemented major changes to the OE user system. When a person first registers, they have very few privileges, and their comments must be approved by a moderator. When we think that a user is a positive contributor to the site, we can "promote" them to the next user level that removes many of the restrictions. This will prevent trolls from being able to sign up easily and run amuck before a moderator can spot them.

Right now very few user profiles have been "promoted".

Have we discovered a new rule of thumb here? If the number of legitimate users was rising at the same rate as the number of trolls, you'd likely only notice the same proportion of trolling overall. However, if the fastest growing  (only growing) demographic of your website (movement) is largely troglodyte in nature does that indicate a movement that's caught the popular imagination?
It's all so naive, it's like somebody told Dembski about viral marketing and that's what they hoped the J Jones Fartimation would turn into, a worldwide underground success.
Patrick is a plain speaker  
if the comment never appears you're either a troll or you need to Private Message one of the moderators

He's been taking charm lessons from Davescot alright!

Patrick follows down the track that DS cleared years ago
So if you're experiencing difficulty making blogs or comments just Private Message myself or one of the other moderators (Samuel, Micah, Bill, O'Leary, etc).

A free and frank exchange of ideas :) Teach the controversy!
The mods - Bill, O'Leary - we know who they are. Just.
Samuel - could be anybody
Micah - Hum, unusual name


His main argument was that there were no waterfalls on earth older than 6,000 years (false: Niagara escarpment is ~415 million years old; the Niagara falls are 12,000 years old). And hence, the world was 6,000 years old, just like the bible said. Next came the creationist conspiracy theory talk. Did you know that all the fossils from hominids could fit in one coffin?
I will herein put forward the case, primarily, that Christians should not be threatened by the idea of evolution, but instead should at least suspend absolute negative judgment on the matter while being aware of the way they present the implications of their beliefs to non-Christians (Col 4:5–6); and secondarily, that a Christian who believes in evolution can do so on a theologically sound and rational basis.

Anti-evolution Campaigning by Christians Should Be Discarded Immediately Without Further Ado
Nah, can't be him! Can it?

Could it be
The Case for a Pre-Adamite Creation.
wherin we hit the motherlode  
This verse plainly tells us that the God didn't create the earth to be "formless and empty" but rather He intentionally created it to be inhabited. So the idea that the earth was kind of "sitting there" before all creatures were created is one that contradicts the bible.

So what was on the earth before Genesis 1:2 and onward? Many theologians, (with whom I agree) believe that God created and destroyed an ancient civilization eons before Adam and Eve. It was a kingdom which believe it or not was under Lucifer's (Satan) rule. (See Ezekiel 28:12-17 for reference.) Isaiah 14:12-17 gives us details of his moral fall;

Could it be fair Atlantis? ;) It's a new one on me.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings

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