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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
W. Kevin Vicklund

Posts: 68
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 21 2007,16:52   

DaveTard has his beer-Googles on again:


Tell your friend to google

"laser" "chemical synthesis" "acetic acid"

and start reading. Tell me how many of the 40,000 hits it takes to confirm that lasers are a common part of the modern chemical production toolbox.

I'm no chemist and I'm not going to bother checking but I presume the laser can function like an enzyme by speeding up and/or preferentially maximizing certain reaction products. While this is probably not something available in the high school science labs it appears to be common in industrial application. I'd really like to see more science from the alleged scientists here.

First of all, it's about 35,000 hits using your criteria. Secondly, of the first 50 page hits that I had access to the text, the lasers were used for mass-spectrometry in all but one paper, where lasers where used to create polymers (in a process superficially similar to that used for creating computer chips). Conclusion: lasers are predominately used in chemical synthesis to check the purity of the product, not synthesize the compound.

DaveScot shows his stupidity yet again.

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