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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 3325
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 17 2007,15:37   

I think a living trilobite would be so cool! Would they look awesome in an aquarium, or what?

why, it would probably look an awful lot like this:

note that horseshoe crabs are NOT trilobytes, but if you've seen fossils of trilobytes, there is a lot of similarity.

BTW, I used to have some of these guys in a tropical marine aquarium, and they are pretty cool.

chew with their legs, swim with their gills (well, kinda)...

can't recall exactly how hardy they are, but they do have a tendency to tear up the decor.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


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