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  Topic: For the love of Avocationist, A whole thread for some ID evidence< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 04 2007,15:19   


Please keep in mind that if you cite mathematical arguments against evolutionary mechanisms, you must show both the assumptions and the derivations behind the calculations. It's not enough to say, "Well, Spetner claims that this change is very unlikely" unless we know how Spetner calculated the probability. This is particularly important when someone shows an experimental result that achieves what Spetner says is very unlikely, as Mike PSS has done. According to Spetner, evolution of the second enzyme would be nearly impossible under a three month period unless Something was guiding the mutation process, yet the second enzyme was produced by tweaking the selective environment, and not tweaking the response to that environment. The scientists did not guide the bacteria's response to that environment. This suggests that at least one of Spetner's assumptions is very flawed.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

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