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  Topic: Civility, What is it and when to use it?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 103
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2007,05:58   

Which is where my proposed solution (a few posts back)comes in.  Firstly, that everyone tries to stay civil (my position right from word go), and when they slip, the moderator gives a simple warning in-thread.  This seems to be what Steve is now doing (he almost certainly came up with this independently though - wouldn't want to be accused of trying to claim credit by an uncharitable reader)- we'll see how it turns out.

So where exactly does this exclude personal responsibility (being civil) and personal accountability (moderation)? Let me map this out where you will understand:

Personal responsibility: Being responsible for ones conduct on the board. Being responsible for what one responds to, and how. Being responsible as a whole in communication - in particular ones own communication because you very well can't adequately predict and control another person's communication - therefore start with and focus on, ones personal self.

Personal accountability: If one does not conduct themselves in a manner befitting the usual discourse, then one must face the consequences. Usually having a moderator intervene.

So nothing you have said excludes what I have structured out, in fact, it's fully covered by what I have said.

  207 replies since Jan. 13 2007,18:44 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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