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  Topic: Civility, What is it and when to use it?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 79
Joined: Jan. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2007,00:20   

Quote (deadman_932 @ Feb. 02 2007,23:52)
Give it a rest, demallien. I didn't respond to your previous post for a reason. The facts speak for themselves and are included in my reviewing post above.

I realize you want to pose as a victim and to have the last word, but I will note now that once again, you never responded to my final post to you regarding the matter.

You did do a fine job of managing to change my screenname to "deadbeat," though -- much like Jerry Falwell calling Ellen DeGeneris " Ellen Degenerate" and about as effective.

I'm sure you will now want "the final word'" so feel free to whine away again. I won't respond to your inevitable next post.

Well, it's nice to know that I'll have the last word :-)

Deadman, since Steve stepped in, I have tried to keep this discussion civil.  You apparently are incapable of doing so, sliding back into sneering through the use of words such as "whine" and "pose as the victim'.  But hey, that's ok, one can't expect you to grow up overnight...

You still haven't come up with the pair of quotes needed to show that I'm a hypocrite.  You know, the quote where I say "Everyone should do xxx", followed up with the quote showing that I do yyy instead.  That wouldn't be because a pair of such quotes doesn't exist now would it?  I don't suppose I could ask you for an apology perhaps?

You also might note that I got what I wanted out of the discussion deadman, which is to say better moderation on this forum.  You didn't get what you apparently want, which is the right to unbridled abuse as you see fit.  You might want to think about that before dismissing my position as 'whining'.

  207 replies since Jan. 13 2007,18:44 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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