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  Topic: Civility, What is it and when to use it?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 103
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2007,00:12   

Quote (demallien @ Feb. 03 2007,05:50)

Avocationist was undoubtably stressed by just that.

I'm curious but at what stage do people take responsibility and accountability for themselves on these boards? Having said that, it is what I stress to people on the groups I moderate.
If someone comes to debate here, they are going to have to deal with that level of heat.

And, if they can't deal with it, does everyone go running to Steve??
But on top of that there where the snide remarks attacking her intelligence

Yes, much how when deadman was called "deadbeat" and an idiot on this thread? C'mon!
The pack then turned it's attention to me, and we then got to see that abuse has just about become ritualised on this board.  First come the snide remarks on my reading comprehension.

Victimisation works, if you are not a perpetrator.
I was accused by 3 people at once, repeatedly, of being a hypocrite.

Actually if I remember correctly, Louis was stating how he responds TO hypocrisy. I responded to that. Then you called deadman an "idiot" - he called you a "hypocrite".

*sighs* this is totally juvenile. This is NOT a controlled debate forum. It's unfair to expect Steve (who you are appealing to) to monitor everything on this board because an individual and/or individuals do not know how to filter out what they will and will not respond to.

  207 replies since Jan. 13 2007,18:44 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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