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  Topic: For the love of Avocationist, A whole thread for some ID evidence< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
creeky belly

Posts: 205
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 02 2007,20:44   

Why is it drivel? Someone responds to the idea of other dimensions as if they were a magical idea, and I point out that if they exist, they are invisible to us. As you mentioned yourself, it is a part of string theory. If the string theorists are right, then those other dimensions are the bedrock of what we call reality, and yet we can't perceive those dimensions. We already know that there is a world of the unseen - life forms, molecules, atoms. We know that we can perceive but a small band of the electromagnetic spectrum, and yet people perist in always thinking that the latest discovery is the final and last. That we have already uncovered so much of the unseen, should instead have the opposite effect.

We have ways of measuring these things, verifying empirically that they exist. That human beings can't see X-rays or hear dog whistles, is inconsequential since we can construct devices that measure pressure or react when exposed to x-rays which produce observations that we can understand/perceive. String theory is no different. If string theory is correct, then there are certain things that we should observe, non-trivially, that would confirm the basic tenants of the theory (Lorentz invariance, hopefully the escaping graviton, etc). We can reconstruct data that supports the theory without being able to sense it directly.  If God exists in some other dimension, then He too must be able to act in a non-trivially way.
Judging from the last sentence you wrote, again, you should probably save yourself the embarrassment, if that's really how you think scientists view the world. We have at least 10 experiments coming in the next decade, one of which I'm a part of, that are re-measuring parts of the EM spectrum in our universe(from Gamma-rays to Radio). They've all been measured before, but breakthroughs in technology and theory have driven us to peer deeper and further than ever before. To say that the scientific community thinks that the most recent experiment is the final tell-all displays great ignorance of the discipline of science and the current state of science research. At this point I will wish you good luck in your philosophical quest, I respectfully disagree with your position, and hope you spend some time reading about real science instead of what you think science is.

  459 replies since Jan. 22 2007,04:54 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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