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  Topic: For the love of Avocationist, A whole thread for some ID evidence< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 02 2007,12:48   

Quote (Darth Robo @ Feb. 02 2007,05:07)
"I was a tad concerned about a year ago when I thought that religious apologetics might get taught in science lessons. I do not see that as a danger now. I couldn't care less if ID was taught in schools providing it was in religious lessons rather than science."

I'm a little worried that they would use it as a stepping stone to gain public support and then try to force it in science class a few years later.  Remember, ID is not religion, it's a con.  So it shouln't be taught at all.  It was designed to appear scientific to the laymen and that's the problem.  Also, the Vardy schools teach creationism already.  

We unfortunately don't have the protection of seperation of church and state in the UK.  I know that our religious classes have not stopped us from teaching good science in general, but if public support grows for 'teach the controversy', it could be a problem.  It's easy for us to look at the USA and think we could never be that daft to even consider ID as science, but I would argue that fundieism in the UK is on the rise.

I am not as worried as you are. ID is so self evidently "full of shit" that it is no threat. The recorded history of ID is there for all to see. Blatant lies and deception.

  459 replies since Jan. 22 2007,04:54 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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