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  Topic: From "LUCA" thread, Paley's Ghost can back up his assertions< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 234
Joined: Sep. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 08 2005,10:51   

Cogzoid, you are priceless; you're not just a peach, you're an Evopeach! With your permission, I'd like to dub thee "Roshi" - you've certainly earned the title. But I digress.
And now name calling?  C'mon, Paley, let's keep this civil.

1) Did Paley confuse dark matter with dark energy?
Not really. Paley was just following the train of Cogzoid's thought. Since we were discussing matter at the time, Paley correctly divined Cogzoid's real meaning. Since Cogzoid owned up to this gaffe, the discussion wasn't harmed.
A careful re-reading of the posts at hand will reveal that indeed Paley was the first to refer to dark matter.  Specifically "Dionysian dark matter".

2) Was Paley wrong when he used the phrase, "requisite quark structure"?
As Cogzoid so elegantly explained, electrostatic forces govern intermolecular attraction...
Yes, quark structure is sufficient.  But it is not necessary.  One could hold Positronium in your hand, although for an exceedingly short amount of time.  You can see that muonium could also be held, and for longer (a couple of microseconds).  Look, ma!  No quarks!  So no, "requisite quark structure" isn't required for exotic materials to be held in one's hand.  One could imagine an even more stable material that could be held in one's hand for longer.  Also, let's not be fooled.  Electrons aren't required for something to be held in one's hand, either.  The only thing that is "requisite" is that the material reacts with the electroweak force.  Something that Paley's material does.  It was a fair question, and it recieved an answer that demonstrated a lack of understanding on Paley's part.

But in gloating over this error, Cogzoid made a mistake of his own in implying that protons carry the electromagnetic and weak forces:
Electromagnetic and Weak forces are one in the same.  No mistake on my part, no need for forgiveness on yours.

Please, continue with the theory.  I'm genuinely curious where it will lead.


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