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  Topic: For the love of Avocationist, A whole thread for some ID evidence< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,22:56   

Quote (demallien @ Feb. 01 2007,22:50)
If Lenny is correct, and talking to creationist is a complete waste of time, what are we doing here?

We are laughing at them.

As my political hero, Abbie Hoffman, once said, "There are times when the only proper intellectual response is 'Fuck you' ."

And any lurker who is stupid enough to become sympathetic to creationism because we are mean to them . . . well . . . good luck to them.  (shrug)

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

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