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  Topic: For the love of Avocationist, A whole thread for some ID evidence< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,19:42   

Quote (Chris Hyland @ Feb. 01 2007,13:15)
Kick start to help Avocationist:

My theory of intelligent design checklist goes:

I've always more or less condensed this down into:

(1) what did the designer do, specifically?
(2) what mechanisms did the designer use to do whatever the heck it is you think it did?
(3) where can we see the designer using these mechanisms today to do . . . well . . . anything?

Alas, never got any intelligible answers, other than various versions of (1) "Jesus saves!!!!!!!!" and (2) "I don't have to tell you".

For the past ten years, all of the various argumehnts for teaching ID "theory" have boiled down to:

(1) we think there's a designer
(2) we don't know what it is (wink, wink)
(3) we don't know what it does
(4) we don't know how it does it, and
(5) we don't know how to go about answering any of those questions, but
(6) we want you to teach about it anyway


Editor, Red and Black Publishers

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