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  Topic: Civility, What is it and when to use it?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 79
Joined: Jan. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,06:18   

Quote (Louis @ Feb. 01 2007,05:59)

I don't need to bluff, since post #1 I've been totally upfront about that which I consider to be important. Like I said I'll answer your questions when you a) answer mine and b) deal with my argument as it is. Until then there is no point answering your questions because you won't understand the answers just as you don't understand my arguments now. I can't help that, that's YOUR issue, not mine.

Waving the relative importance of the two issues aside with a cheeky handwave is not the same as dealing with them. The question is precisely about the relative importance! I already know you don't like dishonesty etc, you've said as much I'm asking a different question you seem reluctant to answer. I wonder why. DO you see a trap that isn't there?


Louis, I've answered your questions.  I can't respond to your "argument", because it's never clearly stated anywhere, and even if it where, it probably doesn't interest me greatly.  But sure, put in a clear concise statement of what this "argument" and I'll have a bash.  In the meantime, I repeat: 1) Was Lenny abusive in the Avocationist thread, and 2) If so, do you believe such behaviour is acceptable or not.

Come on Louis, what are you hiding?

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