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  Topic: Civility, What is it and when to use it?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,04:41   

No Demallien, they are not choices or strawmen. As I've repeatedly said this, for me, isn't just about what Lenny said to Avo, it's about a bigger consideration. How can they be strawmen if they are my opnely stated intent from the word go? Wow! Way to go. It is a simple question (actually two) which do you consider ruder, dishonesty or abuse, and which do you consider less conducive to productive discussion, dishonesty or abuse. It's not an either/or or black/white question it's a question about where YOU personally place the two naughtinesses relative to one another. So even your "interpretation" of  very simple questions is paranoidly seeing hostility where none exists.

Yet again I note that you are insisting that what YOU think I mean is what I mean when I've said it really isn't.

I'll tell you what Demallien, I'll answer your questions when a) you answer mine, and b) you deal with my argument as it is, not as you think it is. I am not responsible for your strawmen, sorry.


P.S. Let's just remind you what you are objecting to (added in edit)

He11 I'll fly over and perform an intimate and pleasant act on you if you get a coherent expression of the "science" behind ID from Avo.

Whilst I'm not in the category of "annoyed" that Lenny apparently is in (not that I think said category is in any way indefensible, it's well justified IMO) but I'd agree with Cedric and Lenny, making grandiose claims and flannelling about them when you admittedly and obviously have not the first inklings of a clue about the relevant topics is staggeringly rude. Simply staggeringly so. People get bent out of shape about the use of the word "fuck" and the occasional knob joke, but seriously saying that all scientists are part of some global anti-god/anti-ID conspiracy and deliberately remaining blisteringly ignorant of the actual facts because of one's personal agenda is so amazingly rude that it borders on the miraculous.

Eh, but what do I know.



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