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  Topic: Civility, What is it and when to use it?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 01 2007,04:07   

OH and P.S. You have ignored repeated requests from me to answer a simple question:

That makes me think of a question: which is the most rude/offensive/abusive/impolite of the two acts: The lie of the proven liar or the comment of the person that points this out to him/her? I would argue the former, are you arguing the latter?

Again the question becomes which is worse/ruder/more impolite etc using the word "fuck" or lying?

I also asked this same question with reference to the productivity of discussion.

This is not irrelevant and cuts to the very heart of why I would defend Lenny's annoyance (and perhaps even how he has expressed it, this is a separate issue as I remind you frequently) and decry someone else's dishonesty. Here's another analogy: in a war torn city my army had just conquered I would shoot those soliders who raped and merely punish those soldiers who looted. This is becaue I am explicitly making the value judgement that rape is a more severe crime than looting. Perhaps this is an imperfect analogy. On a message board such as this I consider dishonesty, willful ignorance (not mere default ignorance) and obfuscation as VASTLY more a hinderance to civil, rational, informative, productive discourse than any amount of what you might consider "abuse" (excepting the one straw scenario you make of the second a creationist enters a room someone yells "ARGH BLOODYFUCKCREATIONISTCUNTBUBBLESCUMBAGCUMSKIPBLEARGHH" which we both agree is not very useful and bloody horrible).



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