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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 11178
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 24 2007,18:36   

Quote (stevestory @ Jan. 24 2007,18:31)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Jan. 24 2007,19:19)
GrrRRRrr. I like cake (the band). Davetard likes cake, (the comfort food).

You could maybe get Vanilla-vanilli Ice Cake, which sounds scrummy, from your collection.

Are you a fan of other horrible bands, or just Cake?

I play disco and funk, Steve. "Bangin' awwwse" and all that. "The distance", "Frank Sinatra", "Short skirt long jacket" - how can you now love these tunes?

"Richardthughes, you magnificent bastard, I stand in awe of you..." : Arden Chatfield
"You magnificent bastard! " : Louis
"ATBC poster child", "I have to agree with Rich.." : DaveTard
"I bow to your superior skills" : deadman_932
" was Richardthughes making me lie in bed.." : Kristine

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