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  Topic: I gave a talk today< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Mike PSS

Posts: 428
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 22 2007,18:21   

Quote ("Rev Dr" Lenny Flank @ Jan. 22 2007,18:27)
Quote (Mike PSS @ Jan. 22 2007,08:36)
It seems that your saying the fight against ID/Creationism political power is over.

ID/creationists HAVE no political power, as of now.

I'd like to keep it that way.

I would say the ID/creationists have no FEDERAL legislative power but what we see across the country is like a hangover of power.  There are enough people in government, local and state also, that are ID/C friendly that can hide/suppress their support for ID/C while at the same time restrict the actual enforcement of the laws that are on the books.

The school board fight is a natural next step, but I think the state governments will be as important to consider.  For your idea to move to other states then those states must have enforcable statewide cirriculum standards as strong as the state with the court case.  This may require legislative change in numerous states.  I think we'll find this battle long and drawn out as each state house tries to come to terms with definitions and statutes that are muddied in terminology by the likes of the DI or AFDave.

The FEDERAL political fight is over but the states political fights are just beginning.

Unless you want to support a federal cirriculum standard enforced by the Department of Education  ;)  ???  :O  :angry:  (not sure which smiley to put here)

  41 replies since Jan. 20 2007,22:14 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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