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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 308
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 18 2007,02:53   

Quote (2ndclass @ Jan. 18 2007,01:50)
How come none of you mentioned this Kazmer Ujvarosy guy until recently?  I can't believe you would hold out on me like this.  The man is an absolute gem.  I'm still trying to decide whether he's another invention of Lou FCD.

Yeah, both Ujvarosky's magazine article (whoops!, sorry, "peer-reviewed paper") and quizzlestick's fawning puffery are completely beyond parody.

The elusive Higgs boson – so vital to the Standard Model of particle physics that it is dubbed “the God particle” – is identical with the genotype of the phenotype universe, and each human genome is its reproduction. Based on this identification we posit that mass-giving is life-giving because the elementary particles that come into contact with the cosmic seed's biofield or quantum vacuum receive their mass and property as a result of that interaction.

If Kazmer were still laboring under the shackles of materialism would any of this have been possible? Of course not – these are the kinds of discoveries that can only come about when we first reject the rigid dogma of the philosophy behind atheism and Darwinism's only life-support.

The 'shrooms must help, too.


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