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  Topic: From "LUCA" thread, Paley's Ghost can back up his assertions< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 16 2007,15:41   


The Troll has advocated (repeatedly) determining immigration policy based on differences between racial groups. When he isn't doing that he's advocating determining immigration policy on religious grounds.

(Aside: As a case in point, note the BNP's use of "muslim" as a weasel word, the law protects racially identifiable groups in the UK from harassment based on their race, but it doesn't protect them from harassment on the basis of ideas they may hold. Because in the UK the majority of muslims could be described as "black" or "asian", the BNP have been caught on tape openly admitting to using the term "muslim" as a placeholder for other more racially identifiable terms.)

The Troll has repeatedly asserted that immigration policy based on loosely defined racial characteristics/differences is valid despite a wealth of contrary evidence. This is the latest weasel word incarnation of racism, like I said, read the Daily Mail or the Express for excellent examples. Race based fear mongering pure and simple. The Troll has a vested interest in overemphasising differences, and/or making them up, in order to justify his fear. This is precisely what racism is. Like I said above a "No Blacks or Irishmen" sign on the Troll's forehead isn't required. His arguments display his racist views. But don't take my word for it, look 'em up. Remind yourself.

What the Troll is doing now is trying to muddy the waters again because he cannot stand the fact that a) he has lost every single "debate" on the issue he has raised (by the way, his status as a "race concern troll" is also undeniable), b) he (and indeed everyone) was prevented from discussing his hot button concern issue (race etc).

Should he deny it, his own words are easy to find, I suggest rather than entertain his ego driven need for attention, you look them up yourself and PM me if you wish to discuss anything about it.

Also, I am not angry with the Troll, nor am I nasty to him. I simply refuse to let dishonest, racist, deliberate trolling liars get away with attempting to rewrite history. I'm curious why anyone does anything different? The Troll has conclusively demonstrated he holds everyone here, you, me, everyone in contempt. Well perhaps AFDave is an exception.  Again, don't for a second believe this latest act, it's another gutless ploy in a shell game. The Troll is the same person who thinks the sun goes round the earth or that if you eat something its genes enter your gametes. He need little provocation to go off onto a rant about "Evos", "lefties" or "liberals", just like when he first came here. I don't buy for a second his "there were two of us trolling" lie, and neither should anyone. His behaviour hasn't changed one bit. He is an unrepentant, mentally disturbed, deluded inadequate. He has a hard on for this board and he won't leave unless pushed. Perhaps not even then. Best thing to do is ignore him, I'd love to be able to, but I hate liars, so I don't find it easy.



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