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  Topic: From "LUCA" thread, Paley's Ghost can back up his assertions< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 16 2007,13:25   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ Jan. 16 2007,12:10)
Stephen Elliot:

I thought you said you would correct Louis's "mistakes" when you caught them. Well, this post contains a rather egregious mischaracterization of my political views. How ever did you miss it?

If you don't correct him, I will later. But if you're the honest person you say you are, then you need to sack up and point out Louis's boo-boos.  :)

Anybody else is welcome to help out. Eric Murphy, care to give it a whirl?

I know, Faid....don't say it. But I'd like to think Stephen is honest; it would depress me if he wasn't.

Hello again GOP,
I do not think that you have said anything that is directly racist. That is my POV. I have said as much.

Louis has picked up on some of the arguments that you use. Some of those arguments are used by racists that try to sound nice/educated/using evidence etc.

What do you want me to do GOP? I have made my comment. Did you miss it? Louis acknowledged it.

Please think a bit before responding. You are the person that has lied to us all for about a year. What is worse. Calling people names or wasting their time? You have wasted peoples time GOP.

You claim that people are missrepresenting your views and you are complaining about it. Fair enough (normally), but YOU missrepresented your own views by choice did you not?

I will say this to you again in case you missed it. I do not think that you have ever posted anything that is specifically racist. What do you want from me GOP? Louis is nasty to you because of your own actions. How could I possibly criticise his reaction to disshonesty when I do not like lying myself?

BTW. I do not want you banned or cencsored in any way. But please don't expect me to criticise Louis' behaviour (to you) as it is a rational response to your behaviour.

If you don't like it (and I assume you don't), change your ways and people will come around...Eventually. Just acept some responsibility.

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