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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 28 2006,14:56   

Quote (Bebbo @ Nov. 28 2006,15:43)
Quote (Faid @ Nov. 28 2006,13:39)
From the "Brites" Thread, after DT expresses his fondness for certain SF authors:

I have in mind a project (after I finish the one I’m working on) for a story in a universe where a mysterious advanced race of “Builders” organizes planets via directed panspermia, and the two main characters, a man and woman of different epochs and worlds, find each other through one of the Builder’s left-over spacetime “transits.” The background is going to include a thorough discrediting of Darwinism.

Comment by dacook — November 28, 2006 @ 12:29 pm

Man, this dacook fella sems good. Almost as good as Paley.

On that same thread it's pointed out that Dembski wrote an endorsement for a book by James Hogan. Here's how one Amazon reviewer begins his review of that book:

"It's hard to know what to make of James P. Hogan, science fiction writer, and now the author of a book that in six densely argued chapters presumes to (1) supplant biological evolution with so-called Intelligent Design; (2) refute Big Bang cosmology; (3) unconfirm Einstein's relativity; (4) argue that Emmanuel Velikovsky (his childhood hero) is more likely right than the scientific and history establishments that labeled him a crackpot; (5) dispute the orthodox on global warming, ozone depletion, and the dangers of DDT while championing the use of nuclear power and the right type of asbestos; and (6) question the medical opinion that AIDS is caused by HIV."

james hogan's website:

"Ideology increasingly drives science, so that dogmas become entrenched and dissent, even informed dissent, gets quashed. Many areas of science in which the public is told there exists scientific consensus are in fact riven with controversy and poorly supported by evidence. In Kicking the Sacred Cow, James Hogan unmasks such pretentious. Hogan is a master iconoclast."
   -- William A. Dembski, Professor of Research into the Conceptual Foundations of Science, Baylor University, author of The Design Revolution


In recent years, however, Hogan's preferred theories have tended towards those widely considered "fringe" or pseudoscientific. He is a serious proponent of Immanuel Velikovsky's version of catastrophism,[1] of Intelligent Design over Darwinism,[2] and of the theory that AIDS is caused by pharmaceutical use rather than HIV (see AIDS reappraisal).[3] While such theories may seem to contradict his views on scientific rationality, they are consistent with the view that scientific theories should not be accepted simply because they are widely held (see, for instance, argument from authority). Hogan has also espoused the idea that the Holocaust didn't happen, writing that he finds the work of Arthur Butz and Mark Weber to be "more scholarly, scientific, and convincing than what the history written by the victors says."

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