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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 28 2006,12:50   

(from JoeG's blog, linked above)
inunison said...

   hi Joe G,

   I've noticed two things in this debate coming from evolutionists.

   First is, automatic "no" to every argument coming from ID side usually but not always followed by ad hominem attack.

   Second, their own arguments are for the most part loaded with metaphysics (they always deny it) and sometimes totally irrelevant or at worst illogical.

   This Allen McNeil's post at UD is point in case regarding this second feature of the debate.
Reading that last sentence, this evolutionist certainly feels some ad hominem coming on.

Joe G said...

   I am always open to data that contradicts what I post.

   And until someone starts to explain the differences observed in the populations (chimps and humans), I have no choice but to say that I am correct.

   Do twigs on a tree contain the SAME DNA as all other twigs, branches and trunk?

   If the branches of a tree disappear do the twigs it had remain attached to the tree?
I don't think I've ever seen anyone misunderstand something that badly. When AFDave could tutor you in science, you should go hide in shame.

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