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  Topic: Evolution publicity, Seizing the moment< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 16
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 06 2006,09:07   

It's not an easily tractible issue.

The problem is the more you study evolution, the more it makes sense.

Conversely, the less you know about evolution or ID, the more plausible ID sounds.

Unfortunately most people *just don't care*.  Therefore, they're never likely to study either unless it's something that's required.

IMO, it's also not really necessary for the vast majority of people to understand either, at all!

So our best weapon against ID (education) is a non-starter in this battle.

So in my uncreative mind, that basically leaves PR.  Unfortunately scientists (and I) find raw PR to be ... distasteful.

Besides if we do run a PR compaign, how does that work?  Do we just tell them what a dispicable lot the IDC camp is?  Do we include information about their funding sources?  Do we include information about their goals?

You see, 90%+ of the population just doesn't care about science.

  11 replies since Jan. 05 2006,04:28 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


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