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  Topic: The Design of Life Chapter 1< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 308
Joined: Sep. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 02 2006,09:32   

Quote (Russell @ Nov. 02 2006,21:05)
More recycling of tired ID nonsense.

Unfair.  It's the same old ID nonsense, reformatted with Pagemaker.  It's really quite something - they make it look exactly like a textbook, without it actually containing anything worth knowing.

What really astonishes me is this.  They whine and whine that the nasty evolutionists miscategorize them as creationists.  They insist that they accept the data of modern science, but reject its "materialistic interpretation."  In particular, they claim (at least, when it suits them) to accept the fact (though not the means) of evolution and common descent.  It's just that they see the change through time as being an act of divine disembodied telic intervention.  In fact, at times they can get quite heated about this.  Quite apart from DaveTard's banning of anyone, a while back, who denied common descent, it would make very little sense to insist that you could detect moments of intervention if you didn't believe that the construction of form was an historical process.

And so, how do the leading lights of ID begin their shiny new textbook on their "theory"?  With a chapter rehashing boiler-plate creationist canards questioning common descent.

The same thing goes for Tiktaalik last year.  If I were a creationist intelligent design theorist, I would have been all over this.  Here we can detect the hand of the DTE in action!  RM cannot account for this change - our theory can now explain modern limb morphology, by examining the very moment in which the DTE made one of its rare, information-enriched interventions!  This is fantastic!  But is that what happened?  No, they simply parroted the blanket denials that AiG had concocted.

I could just about take them seriously if they were genuinely engaged with new scientific discoveries - even if their interpretation of those discoveries were wrong.  But it's their lack of excitement at the expansion of knowledge, their palpable fear of change that reveals their true, contemptible colors.


  37 replies since Nov. 02 2006,07:42 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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