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  Topic: AFDave Rebuts Bogus Quote Mine Charges, Is Deadman out of ideas for refuting me?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 18 2006,04:11   

Here's another one to add to your list, Dave: you ripping off and quotemining again. This is what pissed you off so much that you had to create another thread, knowing you were caught (once again) red-handed.  

Deadman ... what makes you think the Egyptians lived prior to 2350 BC?  More of your speculation?  Putting the overlapping chronologies end to end?  Ignoring the facts that the Egyptians ...
1) had no era from which to date events
2) did not distinguish between sole reigns and joint reigns of father and son
3) never gave the duration of a dynasty, and
4) did not designate contemporary dynasties

Take Dave's list of objections. Notice he didn't cite any source. Remove the numbers.
( the Egyptians  had no era from which to date events  did not distinguish between sole reigns and joint reigns of father and son  never gave the duration of a dynasty  did not designate contemporary dynasties)

Run it through a search engine. Guess what singular result you get?
A .pdf citing a quotemine.
Conclusion: Dave not only quotemined, but plagiarized as well.
The .pdf is an excerpt of a book entitled " All Through the Ages" by Christine Miller, published by a Christian vanity press located at . This is what Christine Miller cites:
”The greatest obstacle to the establishment of a regular Egyptian chronology is the circumstance that the Egyptians themselves never had any chronology at all,” reports Mr. M. Mariette, the former Director of the Service of Conservation of the Antiquities of Egypt, the British Museum. The Egyptians did not enter into computations of time; they were without the chronological idea, save in a few instances. Chronology is, upon the monuments, almost non-existant. The Egyptians had no era from which to date events. They did not distinguish between the years of a sole reign and those of joint reigns of father and son. They never gave the duration of a dynasty. They did not designate contemporary dynasties. Hence the uncertainty of dates in Egyptian history."

As I said, you can run that list through a search engine and you will find only ONE source. Christine Miller.
The quote from the .pdf lists Dave's objections in the precise order, using the same wording. Now, what are the odds of that NOT being deliberate, and that it "just happened " to emerge from Dave in the EXACT wording and order? Note Also that Miller didn't even get it right...the guy's name was Auguste Mariette

Oh, Yeahhhhhh...BUSTED AGAIN.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism

  34 replies since Oct. 18 2006,02:46 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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