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  Topic: Speaking of Cranks..., 9-11 and reason< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2460
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 26 2006,12:00   


I've dealt with most of your arguments before you even made them:

Quote (Stephen Elliott @ Jan. 26 2006,17:34)
The two main towers had aircraft flown into them with lots of fuel on-board. They had only just taken off. The structures burned for quite awhile before collapsing.

Most of the jets had been in flight for half an hour or more before crashing. Neither WTC 1 nor 2 burned for more than an hour and a half before collapsing. Other high-rises burned for up to 18 hours without collapsing. What explains the difference? Remember, the jet fuel had mostly burned off 12 minutes after impact.

The buildings collapsed from burning, not impact.

This sidesteps the issue of how they collapsed. What caused the perfectly symmetrical collapse, regardless of the cause? Normally such perfect collapses take weeks of preparation.

The two that hit the WTC had to aim an aircraft at the centre of a large structure. They had received pilot training. Granted, not on such large planes. But surely it could be an analogy of someone with a car licence aiming a truck.

The WTC towers are 200 feet wide, about 50 feet wider than the planes themselves. The pilot who struck the North tower hit it within 15 feet of its centerline, at 400 MPH. I believe hitting such a target at such a speed is far more difficult than hitting a lamp post with a bicycle.

I have been on aircraft where people have used mobile phones. The cabin crew had to tell the eejits to turn them off.
While mobile phones are not guaranteed to work on an aircraft, I have personal experience of people using them.

Were they actually able to establish a connection, and complete a call, while at cuising altitude and speed? I flew from San Francisco to Orange County recently, and I could not even get a signal, let alone complete a call, while flying over downtown San Francisco at less than 5,000 feet. We're asked to believe that a minimum of ten calls were completed, many callers were able to complete multiple calls, all from aircraft flying at 30,000 feet or more at speeds in excess of 400 MPH over rural Pennsylvania. Maybe it's possible, maybe it's not, but doesn't it seem just a little unlikely?


The aircraft used in the 9-11 atacks were comercial aircraft taking off as scheduled within USA airspace. They were on normal flight paths until (and even after) being hijacked.

Flight 11 diverged from its planned course within 20 minutes of takeoff, almost half an hour before it crashed. Flight 93 was off course for almost an hour before it crashed. Flight 77 was off course (and supposedly off radar) for almost half of the time it was in the air.

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